Hey, I'm

Gorchakov Nikita

I am a frontend engineer based in Russia. I enjoy creating things that live on the internet, whether that be websites, applications, or anything in between.

I have been working as a frontend engineer since 2020 and I managed to get a decent amount of experience and valuable knowledge from all kinds fields in all my projects/works.

I am not afraid of difficulties and challenges, I am ready to look for solutions even in the most difficult problems. I actively follow the development of IT in our interesting world. I love modern digital technologies very much, I will be happy to find answers to any questions. Two hands for teamwork, hello Agile, Jira, git, etc. In my free time I like to read books, go hiking in the mountains, rafting on mountain rivers.



JavaScriptHTML 5CSS 3ReactReduxReact NativeRedux SagaRedux ThunkRedux ToolkitVueVuexTailwind CSSSCSSstyled-componentGitGitHub actionsGitlab ciAjaxWebSocketnextjsnestjszustandaxios